CalStateTEACH Narrative Observation Form 

Pre-observation Conference

Candidate:                                                                             Observer:   Alida Lucas                                                                                   


Context (grade level, time, subject matter focus, other situational information): 

Grade 1-Language Arts. Most students are ELL, with 18 of 20 students categorized as LEP. DRA levels range between 2-12. 15 out of 20 students are reading at level 3 or lower, due primarily to poor comprehension skills.

Lesson Objective Related to Academic Content Standards:

Check the appropriate box to indicate which TPE (Teaching Performance Expectation) is the focus of this observation. List the specific elements to be observed below:

A.  Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students

X     TPE 1 Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter Instruction

X     Reading/Language Arts

o      Mathematics

o      Science

o      History-Social Science

o      Visual and Performing Arts

o      Physical Education

o      Health

B.  Assessing Student Learning

X    TPE 2 Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction

X    Pace instruction

o      Re-teach based on assessment

o      Monitor progress on standards

X     Anticipate, check and address misunderstandings

q      TPE 3 Interpretation and Use of Assessments

C.  Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

X    TPE 4 Making Content Accessible

X    TPE 5 Student Engagement

X    TPE 6 Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices

       X    TPE 7 Teaching English Learners

D.  Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students

q      TPE 8 Learning about Students

q      TPE 9 Instructional Planning

E.  Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

q      TPE 10 Instructional Time

q      TPE 11 Social Environment

F.  Developing as a Professional Educator

q      TPE 12 Professional, Legal and Ethical Obligations

TPE 13 Professional Growth
CalStateTEACH Narrative Observation Form (part 2 of 3)


Classroom Observation




























  • (Whole group) Patrick opens the lesson by reviewing consonant sounds including individual sounds for letters: f, t, l, k, and n. He also reviews vowel sounds, using project read strategies/hand signals, and practices some finger spelling of some simple 3 letter words (bat, can, set, but). Patrick directly states that today they are going to learn how to blend two sounds into one (consonant blends, final clusters)
  • Patrick previews center activities for small group instruction. Center 1 find short a words  write them. Center 2 Listening center, listen to a story. Center 3 word sort A,E. Center 4 meet with the teacher. Patrick assigns one student in each group to pass out materials. On cue most students quietly move to their assigned centers. (One student has to be reminded where to go off task).  There is some calling out, as students settle in to the task.
  • Patrick meets with group #1. On a small white board, Patrick writes each of the target blends ft, lk, and nt. He asks students to point to each individual letter and make each sound. Then he shows them how to blend the sounds (finger spelling) into one sound. Using salt trays, each student writes the letters into the tray as they make the sound. (Students seem to enjoy this activity) Using large chart cards, Patrick begins to spell and blend letters into words---m-i-l-k into milk. He uses each word in a sentence. (One comes up and asks if she can go to the bathroom.) (Patrick asks Center 3 to quiet down and get to work). Patrick helps each student to ID the blends and finger spell into words---asking some students to use these words in a sentence. 
  • At the end of the lesson, Patrick goes around to each center group and checks on what has been completed. Two students from center 3 will have to finish their work at recess. The class is reminded about the importance of staying on task and getting their work done. On cue, Patrick has the students change centers.





















































CalStateTEACH Narrative Observation Form (part 3 of 3)


Post-observation Conference


Areas of Strength:



Areas for Growth: 





Next Steps:  











Copies Provided to:

" Candidate    " LSF  " CalStateTEACH Regional Center      "Other                                   



CalStateTEACH Narrative Observation Forms


Pre-observation Conference


Candidate:                                                                 Observer:  Alida Lucas                                                                                     

Date:  5/04                                                                                                                        

Context (grade level, time, subject matter focus, other situational information):

               2nd grade 8:30-9:30 Writing-

Lesson Objective Related to Academic Content Standards:                                                                                                                                                                   

               1.1 Group related ideas and maintain a consistent focus


Check the appropriate box to indicate which TPE (Teaching Performance Expectation) is the focus of this observation. List the specific elements to be observed below:


A.  Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students

q      TPE 1 Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter Instruction

o      Reading/Language Arts

o      Mathematics

o      Science

o      History-Social Science

o      Visual and Performing Arts

o      Physical Education

o      Health

B.  Assessing Student Learning

q      TPE 2 Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction

o      Pace instruction

o      Re-teach based on assessment

o      Monitor progress on standards

o      Anticipate, check and address misunderstandings

q      TPE 3 Interpretation and Use of Assessments

C.  Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

q      TPE 4 Making Content Accessible

q      TPE 5 Student Engagement

q      TPE 6 Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices

q      TPE 7 Teaching English Learners

D.  Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students

q      TPE 8 Learning about Students

q      TPE 9 Instructional Planning

E.  Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

q      TPE 10 Instructional Time

q      TPE 11 Social Environment

F.  Developing as a Professional Educator

q      TPE 12 Professional, Legal and Ethical Obligations

TPE 13 Professional Growth
CalStateTEACH Narrative Observation Form (part 2 of 3)


Classroom Observation





Whole Group--Carpet


T: "During the last couple of days we have been reading some books about monkeys. Today and tomorrow, we are going to get get to write our own short stories about 2 mischievous monkeys.. When you think about the stories that we have already read, what did you like best about those stories?(holds of copies of the books)

S: "The monkeys were silly."

T: "Yes they were silly sometimes. What else do you remember?"

S: They sometimes got into a lot of trouble."

T: "Good! Let's make a word bank of words about Monkeys so that it can help us with our spelling when we get ready to write. Who can think of some good monkey words?"

S: "trouble"

***Some students are not paying attention. T waits until everyone is on task.

T: Writes each word on an index card and tapes them to a piece of chart paper labeled Monkey Words. T reads the word out loud and asks the students to read the word out loud. He adds 8 more words to the list in the same manner. One student asks to have the word monkey added to the list. T says that monkey is already on the list and asks students where they could look for the word monkey.

S: "In the title"

T: "Good, sometimes we can do a room walk with our eyes and find the word we are looking for---right?"

T: Displays a poster of a poem entitled Monkey Business. Again waiting until he has everyone's attention he reads the poem to the group as he points to each word. During the second reading he invites each student to close their eyes and think about a jungle full of monkeys. After the reading he invites students to share what they visualized.  During the 3rd reading he encourages the students to read the poem aloud with him.

T: Sends the students back to their seats, and moves both the word bank and the poem to the board (tape). Asks S to pass out unlined scratch paper. When the paper is passed out T asks the students to think about what trouble/mischief  two monkeys could get into while playing in the jungle. He invites them to draw what they think (sketch to stretch).

S: Begin to draw on their paper

S:? "Can we color it?"

T: " No, just draw with your pencil"

***T walks around the room giving encouragement as he goes. He also helps some students brainstorm an idea when necessary.

T: Encourages students to share their drawing and their ideas.

S: Several students share their sketches

T: "Remember that every good story has a problem and a solution. The trouble/mischief that your monkey characters get into could be the problem of your story. Let's brainstorm some problems and solutions to those problems on our graphic organizer. Use your pictures to help you." On a clean piece of chart paper (graphic organizer), T  writes  brainstormed problems and solutions to the problems (3).


EX: problem: The boy monkey got stuck in a tree.

        Solution: The mom had to come and get him down.

T: "Tomorrow we will take what we have brainstormed and turn it into a story. Please make sure that your names are on your sketches and I will collect them."


***Lesson will continue tomorrow with the T using a story frame on the overhead projector to write a story using information from the graphic organizer.






































CalStateTEACH Narrative Observation Form (part 3 of 3)


Post-observation Conference


Areas of Strength:                                                                                 

Students on task--85-95% of the time

Good classroom management strategies in place.

Good job of establishing and then using prior knowledge

Gave lots of support for struggling thinkers/writers (Sketch to Stretch, graphic organizer)


Areas for Growth:

Students were approaching "overload" might want to break this lesson down into smaller time components.

Might consider letting some of your ELL students pair up with some of your stronger students during some of this lesson in order to give support.

Next Steps: 

Hopefully the group story will lead to individual/pair stories using the story frame for support and eventually to individual stories without the sentence frame.

Make sure that this is a process that you teach and practice multiple times. Concepts/strategies can be difficult for beginning writers


Copies Provided to:

" Candidate    " LSF  " CalStateTEACH Regional Center      "Other                                   
